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The Ancient Practice of Vaginal Steaming

Imagine loving the time when your moon blood comes.

Imagine feeling the release of all the emotions, tensions and events that your body took on during a lunar cycle and feeling it all go back to the earth.

Imagine sitting over a steam of flowers and herbs after your period is over, taking in the medicine and loving energy of the plants, giving yourself and your womb a spa experience.

Imagine feeling the echo of the tides of the ocean, the rhythms of nature, in your own body; feeling the regenerative powers of Mother Nature in you.

Imagine allowing yourself to retreat during your moon time; feeling supported by your family and friends who hold space for you to take things a little slower, easier, have a little more alone time.

Our menstrual cycles can be a powerful time of healing, rejuvenation, and connection to self and the earth. They can also be dreaded inconveniences that come with physical pain, discomfort, and high emotional swings.

Women have been bleeding and having babies since the beginning of our time on this planet, and recently, a powerful ancient healing practice has begun to reappear for the modern woman.

Vaginal & Yoni Steaming 

“Vaginal steaming is used to prevent and treat EVERY gynecological health concern out there. If a woman owns a steam chair in her home she probably won’t ever need to go to the gynecologist again.” – Keli Garza, owner of Chick Food Inc.

Keli discovered steaming in 2010 after attending a Mayan womb healing class by Marcia Lopez of True Healing Body Work in Los Angeles. At first, she didn’t have any interest in the practice but several months later, it was the only solution she could think of for a problem she was having.

She went a whole month overdue and no period. Pregnancy tests came back negative. Remembering the v-steam treatment, she researched everything she could online and made her own rustic setup for steaming at home. It was an incredible experience as she felt an energy in her womb. This movement continued for a couple of days and then finally her period came.

After that experience, she wanted to learn more. Through research, she discovered that steaming has traditionally been used by Korean, Indonesian, Mexican, Polynesian and African women–all over the globe. Keli decided to join the crowd–she constructed her own steam chair and began to practice the custom at home. She used it monthly after her period for several years and saw many health benefits. Overall she loved the cleanliness she felt after steaming. It felt like the ritualistic ending to a monthly purification ceremony and her re-entry into normal society. Keli says that once she integrated steaming into her life her need to visit a gynecologist faded away. “Everything is always perfect down there. If anything is off, a little herbal steam takes care of it.”

Keli’s crowning moment with the steam chair came after she had her baby. She steamed daily for the thirty days after giving birth. “It just felt so relieving,” says Keli. “Everything down there felt so beat up and bruised. It helped alleviate the bone aching and afterbirth contractions reduced swelling and helped all of the skin go back into place.” After just one month Keli had lost almost all of her pregnancy weight–she was only five pounds more than her pre-pregnancy weight. She attributes it to steaming and to the postpartum diet and herbs that she nourished herself with. It was after that experience that Keli was urged by a friend to start Chick Food Inc. –to bring these benefits to other women.


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